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You have heard of fairtrade, right? That’s the system of certification that allows customers to be sure of what they are buying and support local businesses! But there are much more to add if you are buying fairtrade!

We prepared 5 crucial reasons you should buy fairtrade for!

1. Building power and protecting the most vulnerable

The fairtrade organisation highly supports diversity in their programmes! Therefore, it does not matter where you come from or what your gender is, but rather, it supports ethical practices! 

The non-discrimination factor plays one of the most crucial roles. As a result, fairtrade stands for gender equality, equal pay, and access to resources. Workers have the right to bargain collectively and organise their work in the most efficient and effective ways!

By protecting the most vulnerable, we will create a better world for all of us, isn’t it true?

fairtrade farmers

2. No forced or child labour

Labour exploitation is forbidden.

Fairtrade protects those, who cannot protect themselves yet – children! For that reason, any of the companies, or supply chain members, which are using forced labour, cannot get the fairtrade mark!

The organisation is keeping its standards high to provide workers with the possibility of developing their communities. And developing them is not possible without the education of the youngest people in society.

Isn’t it already a good idea to buy fairtrade? Okay, let’s continue with 3 more reasons in favour of that!

3. Education and Fairtrade

It raises awareness.

The fairtrade organisation tells the stories, the stories from the whole world. In the end, it creates the demand for products, which are manufactured fairly, and tries to promote them. 

Just by noticing the fairtrade mark on the item, customers will go to the website, and find out a lot! Therefore, they could see the hardworking people in the fields of Indonesia to the supply chain members!

Such education promotes the importance of all the processes behind a single product, and push other labels to work fairer.

4. Respect for the environment

Why buying fairtrade? The fourth reason is very simple – environment.

As it was mentioned in our general article about the fairtrade, producers are receiving additional premiums to develop their communities. And guess what. The special premiums are paid for those, who work in organic farming following sustainable standards.

Such farmers get the additional sum of money for their families and businesses, so they can continue with their help for the environment.

Let’s imagine, how would our planet look like if every individual farmer cares for sustainable practices? I believe the answer is obvious.

fairtrade farmer

5. Democratic and transparent organisations

The fair trade movement encourages manufacturers from all over the world to operate fairly and in the most democratic way.

Now, the small-scale producers and workers have a voice and a vote. So they can elect the representatives and decide how to use the money they receive as a premium!

Such procedures allow building fair competition and a more effective way of operating within the community.

Besides that, transparency is the key. Customers could see the process of the businesses development and be sure of what they are paying for.

Conclusion: choose Fairtrade

The fairtrade organisation is here for all of us: farmers, small businesses, or consumers. Even if I think that the 5 mentioned reasons why you should buy fairtrade are quite enough, but the list can be extended to many more bullets. 

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