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Consumers currently face challenges deciphering the multitude of environmental labels on products and services, leading to low trust due to unreliable claims—a phenomenon known as greenwashing. The challenge isn’t just the abundance of labels but also the lack of reliability and transparency associated with many environmental claims. This article highlights the issue of greenwashing, where companies overdo or falsely claim their environmental commitments, creating confusion for consumers trying to make eco-friendly choices.

It is a widespread problem, with 53% of green claims providing vague or misleading information. This alarming trend leaves consumers uncertain about making environmentally responsible decisions. The consequences extend to the breach of consumer trust, as 40% of environmental claims lack supporting evidence. This skepticism emphasizes the need for a shift in how companies communicate their environmental performance. 

The study also uncovers concerning facts about the verification processes of green labels. Half of all green labels lack proper verification, questioning the credibility of companies’ claims. In the European Union alone, there are 230 sustainability labels and 100 green energy labels, contributing to consumer confusion. To address these challenges, businesses must commit to transparency and accountability, providing accurate information for informed consumer choices. As sustainability becomes a top priority for consumers, the collective effort to redefine and standardize environmental labels is crucial for building trust and fostering a genuinely sustainable marketplace. Read more here.

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